Movie description: Airda went over to her girlfriend Eva's abode to acquire some comforting coz her guy hadn't been up to the task. This babe was telling Eva that her chap could not make her cum. Eva told perhaps she needed to discover somebody to do it right. Eva then leaned over to put her glass on the table and smoothly placed her hand on Aidra's haunch to make that connection. Then Eva got actually close and mentioned Aidra may need a cutie to satisfy her, as she moved in for a kiss. Aidra did not back away and went for it. Those 2 wild vixens went at it. They stood up and started to strip every other in advance of they even got near the door. The cuties pretty soon rushed into the bedroom like two love birds doing smth they'd at no time done before. They made sure each and each part of each others butts and cunts were thoroughly licked and juicy with fun. Aidra seemed very cheerful with her lesbo experience with Eva.