Movie description: I came across this damsel in distress that just got fired from her job. On top of it, i discovered out Logan was evicted from her place. This babe hasn't been down in sunny florida for likewise lengthy, so she did not have many options. Logan needed a place to chill for a little whilst coz she could not proceed on the path she was going. I offered her to chill at my spot, and we could type things out. I just wanted to sort my penis into her cum-hole, but i was gonna make sure she was kewl with it. We got back to my humble home, and then popped the cash question. Logan needed loot and a place the stay. I gave her the place for the time being, but she needed to earn the loot. I started off light with an suggest for some specie for a little dance. She shyly accepted, but everything changed when she felt how hard my penis was. I added a scarcely any hundreds for her to blow it. Logan was turned on, so it didn't take much convincing. One time she had a smack of my balls, she was willing to hop on my dick. Logan didn't care about money anymore. She just wanted to fuck and forget. I railed her valuable and could actually feel her taut pussy. Logan hasn't had the dick in some time. I let loose in her face hole and on her face, and she didn't even hesitate. Logan smiled as i handed her the cash. She felt better after being fuck.