Movie description: I was out shopping with my half witted assistant the other day. Sometimes i wonder why i still have him around. This chab s not even admirable sufficiently to carry my bags let along to use a lad toy. I was so concupiscent and frustrated 'coz it's so hard to discover a good fuck. That's all i need is to fuck and go back to my every single day life. If i keep a chap around likewise lengthy he just seems to fade out. I noticed he in the commercial center. He was looking around absolutely clueless. He had a large bugle in his panties, so i started to flirt. He was such a shove over. I didn't think it was this elementary. I said him i'd change for him. He came in when i ordered and told him to eat my cum-hole. He screwed my so good. I had so much joy with his largest pecker. He splattered his sperm all over my face and pantoons. It was a fantasy come true.