Movie description: In a normal neighborhood, on a quiet street lives a seemingly normal woman named Heidi Mayne. This babe has no job and she has no friends. Her routine is strict to say the least. She wakes up and tends to her garden the she goes for a run. U not at any time hear a peep from her and her neighbors say she stays to her self. Her almost any prized treasure is her grapefruit tree. On today she starts as ordinary tending to her tree then she goes for her run when a you stud driving a sports car pulls up to her and begins to flirt with her. She asks him if this guy loves gardens to which he replies yep. So she invites him back to her abode to show him her garden. He may have taken the entire "garden" thing a different way and perhaps she wanted him to think that as okay. They look at her tree and he stares at her grapefruits not noticing the human hand sticking without the ground. She quickly covers that up with some filth and invites him back to her room. Youthful david has no idea of what's about to happen and he thinks that her flirtatious remarks are genuine. She takes off her clothing and they begin fucking like hawt animals. One time david cums all over her stomach she proceeds with plan. Oh what a tangled web this dark widow weaves just for the right compost. Have a fun but beware!