» » Celia Vi & Anthony Rosano in My Sisters Hot Friend Promotional video

Movie description: While Celia has been on vacation, Anthony’s sister has been taking care of her abode. Since that babe wasn’t able to pick her ally up at the airport, she sent brother Anthony to do it. When the 2 of 'em need to Celia house they discover it has been broken into, and she’s been robbed. Not solely is the place a disaster but too her tv and stereo are gone. When she calls the cops they tell her it’s plan to be 3 hours preVious to they can get anyone out to make a report. Crestfallen, she turns to Anthony for support, and without nowhere tries to kiss him. This chab knows she’s just upset, and haVing sex isn’t going to solve everything. On the other hand, he’s always had the hots for her, and they do have three hours to kill……
